Monday, June 13, 2005

Wildlife Watch : Paradoxurus hermaphroditus

June 10th 2005 : Paradoxurus hermaphroditus - Asian Palm Civet, caught at my old house. For the past 3 weeks it has been terrorising chickens. Probably due to shrinking habitat this poor animal has no other food source and forced to take risk and enter human territory. This nocturnal omnivore releases a sickly-sweet odor from it's anal scent gland. Luckly this fella has been released back to it's habitat far from human settlement at a secondary jungle near my house.


kennyg said...

You could have bottled up the animal's odour and use it as your regular deodorant :)

Cheers dude.

kennyg said...

Doesn't hermaphroditus (hermaphrodite) refer to a creature with both male and female genitals? Did you do an investigation? At least show Mrs. Susan Loo what you learned from her during time back in school :)